Training series - HR

Training series - HR

Within the project "Strenghtening capacity of the LEPL Internally Displaced Persons, Ecomigrants and Livelihood Agency (IDPELA), CHCA started training series. 
First training topic was "Human Resources Manangement in Public Service".

The training was attended by the staff of the Human Resources Management Division (Head and Specialists of the Division), as well as the Head of the Administrative Department and the Deputy Director, which is curated by this department.
The HR direction is a novelty for senior and middle management and they were interested in both the key issues of human resource management and the existing HR regulations in the public sector. Due to the fact that LEPLs are governed by both the Civil Service Law and the Labor Code, the training discussed regulations in both areas that apply to their organization: employee ranking, selection, adaptation, disciplinary proceedings, grounds for dismissal, reorganization, motivation, and professional development.
It should be noted that the topics of the training were compiled in agreement with the participants and therefore they were interested in all the topics that were given during the training.
Based on the feedback received from the training participants, we can say that the training was interesting and necessary for them, they plan to use the information received in their activities.

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Georgian CHCA